Line up for Saturday 3rd Match


Our line-up for Saturday 


Brian and Hunter


Ethan - Ajzon - Bryce 


Brendan T

Brian and Hunter will be our front attackers for the first few minutes. They will start the ball by passing the ball to each other, and run the ball down and score it. 

Ethan will defend the left wing and support the strikers. Bryce will defend the right wing and supports the strikers. Then he will drop back and defend goal area. 

AJ is the mid-fielder. He will back up the strikers then drops back and defends the keeper. Don't stand in one area. Move around field, but always drop back and defend your keeper. 

The Keeper's job is to ensure the ball doesn't go into the net. He and the three defenders must work together to stop all attempts by the other team players to score. 

If a striker from the other team is heading toward our goal post with the ball, two people must go up against him or her to make sure her chances of scoring a goal are greatly reduced. 

Throw ins: Throw ins will be performed by Bryce and Ethan. 

Corner kicks will be taken by Ajzon. 


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